Saturday, January 31, 2009

I believe that it is important for everyone to know about events and tragedies that are happening all around the world. We can often get stuck in our own little bubbles where we only care about our favorite celebrities and local news. If the media was run how I would like it to be run, there would be more coverage on topics like the conflicts occuring in the Congo. Until recently I must admit I did not know about the fighting and issues in the Congo. If I were not taking Civics and Economics I may never have known. I've learned that I need to start becoming a more active person in researching world news and sharing my findings with others. I hope by writing this message on the brick wall of the dance building I will arouse interest in my peers as well. It is time we all start caring more about each other and the world around us rather than just our own selfish needs. Perhaps by starting a world awareness group social capital as well as knoweledge about world affairs could be gained. hmmm...


  1. I agree! I feel like, especially at NCSA we live very focused on ourselves, and unaware of the bigger picture around us. If we made the effort to be more aware and act on our knowledge, social capital around the world could be greatly increased.
